Thursday, April 5, 2012

kindergarten registration

This morning was kindergarten registration for Miss Ribbons.

I know. Kindergarten. 

You'd think it would be no big deal to me as this May marks the beginning of Leah's FOURTH year of school. We're no strangers to Leah being in school in this house. But up until now, it's just been PREschool. Kind of like pretend school, right? Just sort of preparing us for what is to come. 

But September will be Kindergarten. All day kindergarten to boot. 

We got all the logistics in order - proving her birthdate, our residency and her health history {it's a good thing i'm finally figuring out how to organize her FOUR binders bursting at the seams with her medical and educational information}. 

Leah had a blast standing in line with our neighborhood buddy Robby and her preschool friend Ian {the one who thinks she is beautiful}. They had each other cracking up the entire time we waited. She also enjoyed checking out the two classrooms {they haven't made class assignments yet because not all of the teachers have been hired} in which she could possibly be spending her days. In one room she immediately found the resting/reading mat and made herself at home. 

She wore a big girl name tag and got to pick out a book about the alphabet to take home. But really, I don't think she needed it. Everywhere we went, we were greeted with enthusiastic, "HI LEAH!"s. Everyone already knows who she is.

Then they took a bus ride. Registration was actually during her normal school time so I took her back to her classroom before I knew about the bus ride only to find out her para ended up taking her. I took a picture, but I'm actually regretting not hopping on the bus with her now. I heard she really enjoyed it {which is great considering she's going to start riding it in month to prepare!!}

Ryan and I have lots of mixed emotions about Kindergarten. It will obviously be a different experience for us and for Leah than it is for most five year olds and their parents; if I'm going to be completely honest, that just makes one more thing for me to be sad about. We worry kids will make fun of her and about the ability gap that continues to widen as she grows older. But, we know this is a great step. Leah seems legitimately excited about it and I am excited to watch how she will grow and the things she will learn as she makes this leap. 

She is sure to amaze us all. Stay tuned.


  1. i know she will love it! all milestones are met with mixed emotions for us too. i'm glad it's all day kindergarten...a nice break for you and new baby layton!

  2. all day is a hard transition. i felt bad having christopher away from us all day the first couple months. now I'm used to it and I have LOVED both his teachers.

  3. Kindergarten! How exciting! Time seems to go so quickly, seems like our girls were just born - and now they're five!

    And, just from my experience, I don't think you have to worry about the way Leah's peers will view her. In my first year of teaching first grade, I had a student with multiple developmental delays and autism. The kids knew there was something a little different about him but he quickly became the most popular boy in class as everyone wanted to be his friend and help him out. I think kids are generally very kind and forgiving. I'm sure Leah will be welcomed with open arms. She is such a beautiful little girl.
