Friday, April 6, 2012

The Lorax

Until today, Leah had never been to a movie theater. 

I know. She's five. Every five year old has been to a theater.

But I was just so nervous! I had no idea how she would react to sitting in one place for two hours watching a movie I'm not even sure she likes! I nearly took her to see Tangled probably four separate times, but chickened out on every occasion. 

When a friend asked if we wanted to join her and her two boys to see The Lorax on a sleepy Friday afternoon when both dads were out of town, I thought it might be fun. When she suggested we go to the theater a half hour away, I jumped at the chance. Seriously! If Leah was a train wreck, at least I knew that no one would have any idea who we were and we would never have to go back. 

Win. Win. 

So, after school, we piled into the car and drove 30 minutes south. With some time to spare before the movie started, we practiced our driving skills and ran around the empty lobby.

The five of us were five of nine people in the theater. It seriously could not have been more perfect. Leah sat on a booster incredibly well. She only wanted to get down once. We adjusted her seat and she got right back on. 

My friend spoiled her and got her popcorn, gummy bears and a drink. Leah was a fan. And she only spilled a tiny bit of her drink on me once {which was way better than I anticipated}, so I was a fan too.

The movie was darling. The company was fantastic. And Leah was incredible. 

Leah proves me wrong once again. Another fear overcome.

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