Today I finished a marathon
Today I finished a marathon. A marathon I've been running all summer.
As expected, there were high and low points, miles where I felt awesome and miles where I simply wanted to quit. Overall, it was successful. But as I approached the finish line, they moved it! Not far - just down the street a bit - but it nearly did me in. Physically, mentally, emotionally, I only prepared for 26.2 and that extra tenth of a mile was pure torture.
You see, Ryan got home from his internship today (yay!). He boarded the plan in Moline (and got a first class seat to boot!). He texted and said he was on his way.
Then he texted and said he wasn't. The updates I received went something like this:
Some sort of liquid spilling from the plane.
Mechanic 45 minutes away.
Flight delayed.
De-boarding plane.
Mechanic declared plane unfit to fly.
Flight cancelled.
Standing in long line to get a new flight.
New flight booked for 7 hours later.
No first class seat this time.
Won't be able to make dinner plans.
My interpretation? Saturday shot. Must break it to Leah. Maren a wreck.
And my poor mom. She definitely got the brunt of it. I was done! No more! I did not sign up for this. I think it was just my anticipation of this emotional summer being in the past...and then it wasn't. It was a tenth of a mile I didn't prepare to run.
But I ran it. So did Ryan. (So did my mom.) We had no other choice. As we walked into the Salt Lake International Airport I was nearly hyperventilating. {The only thing keeping me sane was Leah's utter fascination with the moving sidewalks. The girl was impressed. I think we'll be installing them in our house in the near future.}
But then we crossed the finish line, hand in hand. Together again.

I remember a testimony you gave in church while living in provo, when Ryan was down south somewhere (alabama??). I was so impressed that you guys read scriptures and had prayer over the phone. Power couple. :) Those last pictures of him and leah are to die for - so happy you made it through the summer!
there better not be anymore internships anyways!
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