So, last Saturday when I got home from my morning run, Ryan said to me, "Hey, look what Leah can do." And then she stood up. Yes. She stood up. She always seems to do her new tricks when I'm not there, which simply reinforces my theory that she really doesn't like me. :) But that's a story for another post. For now, three cheers for Leah!
Ryan and I are quite certain she can walk...and that she does walk when we're not looking. We have yet to prove that theory, but we're pretty sure. She just knows we want her to so badly, that she won't do it for us.
The first part of the video is last Saturday when I got home (therefore, the non-matching outfit can be attributed to her father...hey, at least he got her dressed, right?!). The other is from two nights ago. That outfit is half attributed to me (the matching part) and half to Leah....quite eclectic if you ask me.
Yesterday I was doing yoga and Leah thought she could use her new-found standing skills to help me out. She stood on, underneath, on top and VERY close by me the entire time. I got a double ab workout from laughing so hard. She's a yoga natural.
She did stand up for about 20 seconds the other day, but she always does that when we're not watching at first so we can't get the camera. She knows she has to hold up her end of the bargain with grandma...she must walk by April. :)
On a side note, we have taken away all of her jackets. Yes, ALL of them. She was throwing way too many unnecessary tantrums so they're gone. No more. Good thing the weather is warming up or we'd have one chilly bambino on our hands.