so, not much going on around here, but i thought i'd share some leahisms...just things she likes to do as of late.
if you were to stop by our apartment, you would most likely see leah looking something like this: hair in a mowhawk (one or two, depending on the hairdo of the day) because she has torn out her elastic(s) and bow(s), and a sock in her mouth, probably making some sort of loud noise.

if you stop by at night, you'll see a similar leah. this time of day, she's just naked, her hair is not in a neat mowhawk, but rather in daddy's special hairdo...and she still has a sock in her mouth. still making a loud noise.

leah loves to "peek" at things. in this photo, she's peeking around the couch to try and see the tv - to no avail...kind of an amazing shot since both socks are still on her feet...not for long, i'm sure. 
this one is her oatmeal booger. she was eating breakfast and wiped the oatmeal all over her face. this one hung like that and i thought it was funny...mostly bribery for later in life. 
and here she is with her bathtub duck in her mouth. she didn't have socks to suck on, so this was a second best. notice the mowhawk, the squinty eyes and another of her personal favs, the shoulder shrug. 
this week, she also learned what a snake says. you will often find her singing "hissssssss hisssssssssss" to herself.