my world traveler...
ryan was in NORWAY all last week for business. although we were sad to be without him all week, we were excited for his little adventure and leah and i fared okay (we're pretty independent gals).
here are some of his pictures...he is the quintessential tourist. just stands in front of whatever he wants a picture of. makes me laugh. i'll make him get some more exciting shots in the one of him in the viking museum. niiice horns, ry. and yes, he was a good husband and daddy. he brought me back a sweet norwegian beanie with chocolate and GUMMIES. and he brought leah a stuffed bear, whom we have affectionately named Karl (with an accent, of course).
please note: the top right picture is one of ryan's favorites because the people in the boat are wearing viking hats.
*addendum from ryan: "a little explanation of the picture on the lower left corner. that's a wood carving we saw in the folk museum. based on the dude's bulging eyes, this must be his first time hugging a girl (at least my coworkers and i are roughly 90% sure that is a girl). nice work on the hand placement my friend!"
and this was his homecoming. we're glad you're back!!