as some of you know, ryan and i like to mini golf...and we have a goal to mini golf in every state we visit. we also have a running tally (ryan thinks he is the overall winner, but i have the scorecards to prove him wrong). we went yesterday with my sister kelli and ryan was bragging the entire time that he was totally going to waste us. um, no. kelli won. i came in second. ryan came in LAST. and i even had a child hanging off of my front side that was constantly kicking me, moving my arms and the putter and moving so i sometimes couldn't even see the ball. it's going to take a lot for ryan to dig himself out of this one.

and this is a random picture from super tuesday, otherwise known as a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. leah was teething (for real, it's popping through) and had to be held...only i had a ton of things to do that day and nothing was going as planned. the only time she was happy was when i put her in the laundry basket to play. in fact, she's in it right now.
looks like kelli and maren have some serious SKILLZ! time to go play some putt putt in north carolina, i think! ;)
Your golf skills are hereditary, you know. That's right - shmoj weilds a mean putter.
wow, mare, I'm seriously impressed with your mini golf skills! I'll have to show this post to Bryce, so that he will see how HE can hold Emmy when we go mini golfing this summer. :)
Also, Leah is so dang cute! Gotta love teething...I'm NOT looking forward to that.
yea for winning at mini golf!!! the only whole i did bad on was the one the indian girl pegged me in the leg on...NOT cool.
Is she playing with Butt Paste? :)
she absolutely is playing with butt paste. her favorite toy. it smells like cookie dough, so i get my sugar fix through smell.
I let maren win so leah wouldn't feel bad and cry.
We've got to get our babies together when you visit in the spring. Surely they'll be good buddies since butt paste is one of Danika's favorite toys too!
That's a little scary that you could win even playing kangaroo style. Ryan better concede the remaining states before he loses any more dignity. And, that video Kelli posted of Leah "wiggling," oh my gosh, I have never seen a baby do that. Ryan and I both laughed out loud. Maybe I can work with Nora so that the two of them could have something choreographed for when you're here. That's amazing. Can't believe the big o-n-e day is almost here.
Sounds like fun! i love leahs outfit! Looked for leggings at Old Navy...couldn't find any??
Don't you just love victory! Mike is so competitive...well we both are...but especially him :) that with any game we play we cannot be done until he wins :)! Love Leah's polka dot tights!
I SUCK at mini golf! Ha! You can play me any time. I will make you feel like a pro. Maybe Leah was your good luck charm. Next time you'll have to strap her to Ryan and see if the outcome changes... :)
I am glad you have such a fun contest going with your husband! How fun and teething is never that great!
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