daddy's little girl...
ryan loves playing with his little girl...and she definitely loves playing
with him too. she gets so excited and kicks her little legs every time he is near.
The other day, they had a staring contest - leah won.
Ryan likes to pretend she is Asian.
And when Ryan has a bad day, leah cheers him up.

They're a great team! And I couldn't be luckier to have them both in my life.
p.s. leah smiled for the first time on sunday, but we haven't been able to get a good one on camera - this was the best i have been able to do so far...
oh my word.. those are the greatest! hahaha enough said, they are the greatest.
it's amazing how tiny Leah's head is next to Ryan's hands. Isn't it so fun when they start to smile?!
Leah is signing to me....she is saying take me to Lake Merwin asap....someone in Washington loves me!
yes! thanks for interpreting, dah. i was trying to figure out what she was saying - i'm new at this whole mother thing. aunt kelli bought her a swimsuit, so now we're trying to convince dad that she needs to use it somewhere other than the bathtub.
dang straight aunt kelli bought her a swimsuit.. AND sun hat... haha oh man, she's going to look so cute in them! Definately need to be used at merwin--in the presence of aunt kelli :)
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