thanks ladies, but he's taken...
so, ryan and i have been cleaning some things out at our apartment and i've come across some jewels. i know all you ladies out there are so jealous of me, but he's definitely taken...
leisure pants to impress the ladies on his first day of school...
braided belts, rolled shorts and the backpack on one shoulder (yes, still sporting the chums...)...
i don't really have words for this one...
he had one of the best butt crack hairdos i've ever seen (no worries, dan, you're still in the running). yes, still impressing the ladies...
he wasn't afraid to curl his hair and wear tights. okay, he was. his mom made him do it. but, if it makes you feel any better, ryan, i'm really jealous of how great your legs look in tights...and how skinny your ankles are.
there are so many reasons i love ryan:
1) he really IS a pirate! i always thought he just wanted to be a pirate...i never thought he was serious that he was one. (aye aye, alex...)
he was a dj, aka mix master ryan. i bet your husband was never a dj. AND when he dj'd he was hit on by middle school girls. beat that.
he wore chums.
he had school spirit in elementary school....goooooooo bobcats! (he's sporting his home-made bennion bobcat socks for 'sock day'.)
he also had school spirit in high school...and was very secure in his masculinity. double you - ay - double are - eye - oh - are - ess.
he has always had an eye for fashion...

shorts up to his elbows (but he's so darn cute!)...

*end note: this could very well be my last post. i'm quite sure i will be dead tonight. you can either expect an equally (if not more) embarassing post about me coming soon...or pictures of my funeral. we'll find out tonight...