sorry for the slack job of blogging this month. i have no excuses. i look at your blogs daily. :) here's what we've been doing for the second half of the month!

we were part of the "end of an era" as tawni calls it...the los altos farmers market came to a close for the year this week. we've thoroughly enjoyed our thursday nights strolling down the street eating samples of strawberries, raspberries, plums, nectarines and peaches...and ending with corn on the cob (you'll never see ryan happier than when he's eating this particular corn on the cob) and local indian food. yum! 'til next year...

leah has play dates three times a week while i teach piano. in return, i babysit three different kids during the week as well. meet nora. she is a doll. and leah showed her where her belly button was this week.

leah kept it real by texting all her baby friends on daddy's blackberry...all while staying stylish with her bling. (i know, she needs a haircut...)

leah and jack were entranced by sesame street the other day. it was hilarious.

and then they kissed. ew, gross...kissing cousins!

and i don't want to talk about this...but i will. yah, i got a collection notice from a qwest bill from 5 1/2 years ago! apparently, just before i got married, i called qwest to change the phone bill from my single's apartment to my landlord's name (qwest does have proof of this). the new tenant called a few weeks later to change it into her name. BUT, my landlord never called to accept it into her name or change it to the other girl's name. so....all summer, it stayed in my name and 1) the new tenants didn't pay it or 2) they didn't get the bill because it was addressed to me (and not forwarded on). SO...i got a bill for May-Sept 2003. and because my landlord never called, legally, it is my responsibility. aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh.
But, the following video makes all my cares go away at the end of the day...yay for leah!
Look at those steps!!!! and she is so proud of herself with trying to clap!! Love Leah and Ryan's WWF body slamming :) Little girls and their daddy's...nothing quite like it! She is so cute!
Mare, fun pictures! I love the Sesame Street one. So artistic. Call/email me to let me know more about the bill--I don't think you should be stuck with it all.
ok, i love that she is always wearing her beads. so cute. way to go on her first steps with a walking toy. only a matter of time until she's running all over the place.
I'm so proud of her! I love how she kicks her legs and is so happy. She knows she's awesome!
Yay Leah!! Way cute video Maren.
The video made tears come to my eyes - leah's feet are soooo tiny, (definitely not from grandshmoj), but she will soon be running!
oh that is so cute... she's so proud of herself! way to go!
that is awesome.. the quality on my work computer was lame but at least i saw it.. can't wait to watch it on a better computer.. with sound.. but how fun! she'll be walking in cali when i see her..she is getting so big! and dude..she's getting a mullet....
That is so cute of Leah! It looks like she is so happy and having so much fun. I'm glad to see that other dad's besides Johan body slam their kids. Although Ryan's seems a lot more toned down than Johan's. Maybe because he has boys he is not as gentle. But Ethan and Brent always laugh so they must like it!
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