Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

We decided last minute (um, like yesterday) to continue our tradition of a New Year's Eve party. We've done it for seven years now, but it gets harder and harder every year as kids get older. 

So this year, we decided to fool the kids and count down to 8:30 instead. I'm tellin' you, 8:30 is the new midnight. It was perfect. We ate lots of goodies and played some minute to win it games and then, as the clock struck the golden hour, we blew our horns and popped our confetti. Actually, we skipped the confetti part this year as it is illegal to sell pop-able confetti in Iowa. Who  knew!? Next year I'll plan ahead and hop the border to Illinois beforehand.

Our party was attended equally by adults and kids and I think all had a good time. Including Kate, who apparently had a bit too much milk to drink. 

She recovered quickly. 

She and Miss A, however, thought the chaos and noise was a perfect distraction to enable them to loot the cracker plate. They made out like bandits. 

2013 was a year filled to the brim and I know 2014 has a lot of good in store. 


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