buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks
(I love the picture of Leah looking at Ryan.)
This is Leah holding the certificate they gave her for coming to her very first baseball game. It's signed by the mascot, Lou Seal. I thought that was so cute!
Here were are at the top of the stadium. In the background is the very back wall. Our seats were actually on the last row, but we moved up a few so the canvas sheet wasn't whipping us in the face. The other picture is the marquis they have of the home run record holders...Barry Bonds is only 6 away from breaking the all-time record currently held by Hank Aaron.
leah could not get cuter in that black and white photo. i agree, not a fun game. but we make our own entertainment, right?
I am so jealous!!! No team in Utah or Nevada!!! ugh...might have to become an Angels fan...Way to start her young on America's favorite past-time!!! She looks awesome in her polka-dots!!!
Mare, What a proud post for me! She's got Nora beat on baseball fandom...what a shame. Love the certificate.
Seriously, the certivicate is cute. And Leah, as always, is adorable. You really make me want to move back to California.
It looks like from Rach's comment that she forgave you for going to the Giants game:) Leah looks adorable!
Oh and I wanted to say, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! How did you find such a cute design? It is so cute!!!
luisa - go to
this girl creates them and posts them for you can grab the html code (she walks you through it).
Bonds is a FRAUD!!! I hope he suffers a career ending injury before he breaks the record. It's amazing what beef Roids can do to help your career.
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