Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day Date

We spent the evening after Valentine's Day on a group date with friends. We all got gussied up, grabbed some babysitters and walked down the sidewalk to the community center. We hung lights and decorated all the tables for a delicious dinner.

After we all ate way too much, we played a rousing edition of the Newlywed game, which Ryan and I, of course, lost. We didn't come in last place, but we also didn't even make it past the first round. I honestly haven't laughed that hard in a long time listening to the {mostly wrong} answers and the responses and rebuttals between spouses. From answers referring to Tom Hanks to relaxing on a long run, incorrect favorite foods to the Ensign I had tears spilling out of my eyes. 

It was a perfect way to spend an evening both with the  man

and the friends that I love!
Candace, Michelle, Ashley, Laura, Maren, Andrea, Catherine

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