Happy Father's Day (yesterday) to Ryan. I couldn't ask for a better father for Leah. He is so wonderful and can't wait to come home and play with her every day. He helps out with everything and even pretends to enjoy changing her diapers. We spent the day enjoying nature at Half Moon Bay on the coast. It was a lot of fun to see the tide pools and our friends, the Wades, showed us their "locals only beach" - and we were the only ones there! Here, our child prodigy poses with her dad after she wrote him a special father's day message in the sand...Leah told me she wants me to post the top 10 reasons why she loves her dad:
1. "He lets me throw up on him...and then thinks it's cute!"
2. "He reads me bedtime stories every night."
3. "He lets me have tummy time right on HIS tummy."
4. "He gives me good self esteem - he thinks my fat is cute!!
5. "He carries me in the baby bjorn even if he thinks it's girly (and SOMETIMES he'll even carry the diaper bag...even though it has a little bit of pink on it)."
6. "He works hard all day so mommy can stay home with me."
7. "He gives me baths and lets me splash on him."
8. "He teaches me how to be a pirate - aaaarrrgh."
9. "He cleans out my neck cheese."
10. "He cuddles with me every day."
I love you, daddy!

We also got to open some presents for him. He got tongs for bbq-ing and a utility knife with refills for life (seriously, there were like 50 of them). Leah got him "Where the Wild Things Are" so he can read it to her and I got him a season of "The Simpsons" on DVD (he's covering leah's eyes in this picture). Yah, it's his guilty pleasure as he was not allowed to watch it when he was younger (i know, LaMar and Lynnette, he's turning evil...I swear it's not my fault...i don't even watch with him!) but I seriously never see him laugh so hard as when he is watching those shows.