it's only fair...
So, we got off to a good start today. Everyone was happy and smiling. We even played a rousing game of "where's leah" while we waited for the doctor (I put the blanket on leah's face and she bats at it until she can see me...then giggles). 
Around 10 a.m. everything changed...Leah had to get her 4-month vaccinations.
Because I think this is the worst for the parent who takes the child to get the vaccinations (aka ME) - even worse than for the child becacuse she apparently forgot about the whole ordeal quite quickly while I am still having nightmares - I decided something today: Each time I take a child to get shots, I get a treat and they get a treat. So, we will be getting Leah a fun mirror toy and I got a necklace. In addition, the parent who does not take the child to get shots (aka Ryan) will be grounded from something of the other parent's choice. My choice today is Ka-Glom. That's right, Ryan, you cannot play Ka-Glom for one week. Only I can. But, to make it fair, if you take her next time (August 24th, 9:30am - be there or be square), I will consent to be grounded from something of your choosing while you get a treat along with Leah. It's only fair.
Oh man. ADORABLE first picture of Leah...sad but cute second picture of Leah...
And hilarious but great idea! I'm totally go to play that game with Bryce... :)
that poor little leah! soooo sad! ;)
I can totally relate! I just took the twins for their 4-month vaccinations and it was traumatic. I made it out of the office but as soon as I called Tucker I started crying. Pathetic, maybe, especially because the kids were asleep by then.
and one more reason I am not emotionally stable enough to have babies yet. Perhaps know, if I can be emotionally stable enough to get married.
Seriously, adorable pics and great idea!
ahhaha that is hilarious.. but what the heck is ka-glom? are you guys nerds now?
dotes i love you... you are such a big girl for doing all that. I hope you are feeling better now. Maybe you should just come see aunt kb again and all will be well.. so what do you say?
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