Friday, August 26, 2011

lake pinneo

contrary to popular belief, the weather in the upper valley isn't actually gloom and doom all year long. just most of the year. but while the sun is still shining, we plan on enjoying it. we headed to lake pinneo in vermont for a day of splashing and sunning. we uprooted california girls could use a bit of vitamin d!
ryan was a trooper and came along knowing he might possibly be the only male over the age of four. he was for a few hours until mike showed up. he was also the designated grill master, providing the women and children with some tasty franks. thanks ry!
it was a great afternoon in the sun and water. i think i was one of two girls who submerged themselves and the water was much warmer than i initially anticipated. 
miss ribbons had a great time both wading and floating, but not so much of a great time holding still for a photo op. this is as good as it gets, folks. 


Karen Hauley said...

Bean, are you gaining weight? :)

Amelia said...

How do you already have that many friends!!! Good work! And that lake looks fun! Soak up the sun!

Michelle said...

whoa, what am i talking about in the picture. something amazing i'm sure. I LOVE the pic of you and Leah.

brittani c. said...

See that scowl on my face? Living proof that my kids get that from me.

Unknown said...

i'm not surprised you've already made so many friends:) glad you are enjoying it and have found things to do! i can't wait to visit you!

Rebecca Parker said...

Yes I think a trip to NE is in order; however, not sure when:) How long is Ryan's school? Anyway, in meantime I'm convinced your experience @ Lk Merwin has enabled you to jump in another lake across country...