Thursday, January 24, 2013

ski tuck

Every year for the past 28 years, Tuck has hosted an event called Winter Carnival. It is one of the more popular events among US MBA schools and it's something that students and partners here at Tuck get really excited about - ski races, parties, pond skating, and more. In preparation for the carnival, Tuck solicits entries from students and partners for the Winter Carnival poster. They then hold a vote to choose the winner. 

I really, really wanted to try and create a poster last year, but just never took the time to do it. So all year, I planned on submitting a design. Of course, the time drew near and I still had nothing. But about a week before the submissions were due, I decided I definitely wanted to submit something. My original ideas just weren't working out, so I scrapped them all and tried some new techniques in Adobe Illustrator. 

It wasn't initially my favorite mostly because it wasn't what I had in mind all year long. But, I really did like the final outcome and, after a week of sitting on it, figured it was worth a shot and sent in my submission.  

So did six others. 

Then we all voted. 

And guess what!? My poster won!

Ryan is pretty proud (and surprised!). And I know he's serious because he doesn't like lots of things (or ANYTHING) hung on our walls and he's begging me to hang the official 28th annual Tuck Winter Carnival poster in his office...whenever he gets an office. Sorry Ryan. It's going in my office. Feel free to frame a print of it, though!

The winner got a free ticket to the carnival (which are sparse and coveted), but because I don't drink and it would be nearly impossible to find a babysitter for an entire weekend, I decided to sell mine and pocket the winnings. It's been fun to be a small part of Tuck history!


Erica said...

I so knew you would win! love this!

Mary said...

How cool is that?!

Michelle said...

you're so cool