tuck tuck bo buck
wait, don't finish that.
i know everyone has been on pins an needles wondering what in the world my exciting news could possibly be. ironically, lots of you already knew the news. kind of a let down, huh?
but, for those of you who haven't heard: ryan is a smarty pants.
and because he is a smarty parts, he applied and was accepted to Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and is carting our family to the frigid {and beautiful, i've heard?} northeast for 2 years beginning this august. hanover, new hampshire, to be exact.
oh yah, and he got a partial scholarship. i told you. smarty. pants.
i'm all sorts of excited. and all sort of scared-out-of-my-mind.
we are so relieved to finally KNOW what we're doing with our lives. ryan has basically been m.i.a. since last may when he started studying for the gmat. once that was over, applications started. i pride myself in my ability to proof writing samples and i usually enjoy it, but a bazillion essays one trillion times over is too much for even me to handle. i only made it through by marking up his 8.5x11's in red with witty comments about myself in the margins. he rolled his eyes every time, but i know he liked it.
after applications came the waiting. oh the waiting. you have no idea how awful it is to try and imagine yourself in six different cities. six very different cities. or none of them. and lots of people don't even get in their first year of applying to top schools. so we could have just stayed put and started the thrilling process all over again this fall. we just had no idea.
so, we are very excited for this new little adventure for the layton trio.
i don't really want to think about all the things we'll be leaving behind. friends who have become family. family now all the way across the country, not just a 12 hour drive. delicious running weather all year long {i ran 5 this morning in frigid 40 something degree weather. it might have even dipped to the 30s, guys. there was frost on the ground! hard to believe, i know}. endless amounts of mattress commercials {seriously, california has so many mattress advertisements and stores!}. the list goes on.
we are looking forward to new friends. new adventures. possibly taking up skiing {my high school friends won't believe it 'til they see it} and possibly hockey. you never know with us laytons. it's been fun to chat with other admits and their families and begin to become acquainted with the people with whom we'll be spending two years of our lives. we'll be 2 hours from boston and 4.5 from nyc, so i have day/weekend trips whizzing endlessly through my head. there is also a rett clinic in boston and we're excited to meet even more of that wonderful family.
wish us luck!
p.s. leah's official title is that of a "tiny tuckie." how cute is that!?