Friday, March 30, 2012

pinterest party

Ah, pinterest. How I love thee.

To set the record straight, I think I've only been on pinterest on my computer maybe five times. Ever. I do it on my phone, in my down time. So I really don't wast a lot of otherwise useful time. We're talking, sitting in the car waiting for Leah to come out from school or at night when I'm being lazy on the couch, but there's really nothing else I need to be doing. So I feel pretty good about my Ryan-dubbed Pinterest obsession. 

It's been a great place to keep all those ideas - some great, some not-so-much. 

My friends had a great idea to have a "pinterest party" where we would all bring a food dish we had pinned from pinterest. You know, so the obsession could actually be claimed as useful. 

And useful it was. Doubly so. Because we turned our pinterest party into a surprise 30th birthday party for our friend. 

Everyone knew but her. We still brought our pinterest dishes, and in addition, we also decorated with ideas found on the beloved site.

All in all it was a hit - except for that one part where we saw her pull up so we ducked behind the couch and waited. And waited. And waited. She's probably on the phone, we thought. She'll be coming through the door any second. What seemed like hours later, a friend looked out the window and she was pulling up again. Um, pulling up again? Yes, she had forgotten something at home, driven away while we were hiding behind the couch, and driven back all while we were crouched and at the ready.

It was kind of not very comfortable for my growing belly but we all got a good laugh out of it. And when she finally did walk through the door (with her pinned dish, of course), she was thoroughly surprised. 


I'm a lucky girl to have pinterest {okay, and these lovely ladies} in my life.

1 comment:

Kim said...


Do NOT stop pinning.

Thank you.