christmas at our house
christmas eve was full of friends, good food {mmmm...ham}, music and fun. family picture to come?christmas morning was full of sleeping in, presents, exploding scone dough and breakdowns. i guess i should add that i was the breaker-downer. and it went something like this, "{cry, cry} this just isn't how leah's third christmas was supposed to be, {cry, cry} she is supposed to be full of wonder about santa {cry, cry}, she's supposed to be excited about her toys {cry, cry}." the end. i got over it pretty quickly, no worries. and she did like the personalized alphabet book i made for her. post on that to come?
i think she wondered why a yule log had taken over the backyardigans' usual spot on the tv screen.
christmas evening was full of clogged sinks, tired kids, de.lic.ious. crab, a not-so-delicious corn dish, lots of movies and games.
...oh, and ryan and scott crocket.
post-christmas was full of movies, games, friends and a rainstorm to boot.
merry, merry.
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