we survived....
ryan and i, that is. we survived parenting three children two and under for approximately 29 hours.and then we decided we're done having children. don't even try to change our minds.
okay, so it wasn't that bad. we watched two cute boys while their parents when on a three-day getaway for their mom's birthday. quite the surprise...and i helped execute the planning. it was fantastic. a few other girls also helped out, but we had the boys for the home stretch. we survived four meals, at least four snacks, two bedtimes,
one nap {where all three slept at once}, a long afternoon where ryan went to work and i was all by my lonesome, a triple-toddler bath,
lots of games/books/toys, and a little bit {okay, a lot} of tv because it was raining outside the entire time. i would consider the weekend a success.
yay for surviving... but please have more kids... ya'll make succh cute ones:)
good thing they were cute kids!
what a sweet friend! i'm sure the b-day girl was very grateful! how was it to try boys? you survived mine for week @ cabin:)
Maren, you are an angel. My boys are crazy and I am so grateful that you watched them so we could get away. Unfortunately, now I want to do it every weekend....
But now it's your turn! Let us know when we can take your little angel!
Oh, come one...It's not so bad! I've survived 8760 hours so far! If I can do it, anyone can!
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