our halls were decked...
okay, so we don't really have a hallway, but our front room was decked.
christmas decorations are gone at our house. they've been gently packed and are now resting in a cold, dark storage garage a few blocks away.
until next year, christmas.
i think i wanted everything down for a combination of reasons. one being that i came from a house where we have a birthday boy on december 30th. my mom always made sure christmas was put away so it could be his day. i used to be bitter. but i totally understand now. i also wanted everything to be cleared out for our new year's eve bash. either way, it's gone.
i snapped a few pictures first. there are a lot of ornaments because i planned to write a post about some ornaments i want to remember, but never got around to it. maybe next year. as always.
in no particular order, christmas at the layton's house:01. fabric nativity. long story as to why i have it rather than one of my siblings, but i won't complain. i love this thing. amazing. crafted completely by hand by my amazing mother.
02. year of the rooster {1981} ornament from the laytons. 28 year olds rock.
03. ornament of ryan as a little boy. complete with burt and ernie slippers.
04. our nutcracker family.
05. stockings.
06. wood crafted nativity ornament from bethlehem. courtesy of a coworker from byu.
07. incredibly awesome vintage advent. again crafted by my amazing mother.
08. two-thirds of our christmas cards this year. it pays to send yours out early.
09. mod-podge NOEL. new addition this year. kinda like it.
10. 2009 addition to ryan's nutcracker family.
11. 2009 angel ornament for leah. we get her an ornament each year. randomly, they've all been angels. coincidence? maybe. but she is our little silent angel, so we'll keep the tradition going. if anyone ever finds a really unique angel ornament, let me know. they're surprisingly hard to find.
12. nutcracker ornament from this year's sfo expedition.
13. 2008 hong kong ornament to remember our incredible trip.
14. christmas books. stacked and ready to read. i wrapped each one and planned to open one every night in december and read them as a family. ryan was a work-a-holic and leah was cranky most nights, so i opened them and read them on my own.
15. one of my all time favs: santa adoring the baby jesus. even he knows the real reason for the season.
16. leah's hong kong ornament.
17. a sweet, gift from a sweet friend and her mother this year. they said it reminded them of leah and me. and it just happened to be an angel. i love it.
18. berry wreath, quilted table topper found on etsy and crate and barrel dish containing yumminess throughout the month.
19. leah's shepherd ornament from nursery this year. if you didn't notice, she's not much of a color-er.
20. rudolf ornament made from a clothespin. matthew 5:16
21. plastic little people nativity. my new fav for any slobbery infant, toddler...or child with rett syndrome.
{mind you, this is all in our front room. it's not a very big front room. we actually had to purchase a smaller tree this year because the tree we've used for the previous 6 years wouldn't fit.}
i also did some purging of old decorations. things i know i'll never use again. i took some pictures. and i gave lots away as a white elephant gift. perfect way to purge if you ask me. feelin' good.
You have the fabric nativity scene because I was there when she was dividing everything up and I told her you could have it because it would be good for Leah- Thank you Uncle Dan!
yes, thank you uncle dan. :)
christopher wasn't that into coloring until he was 4. We had to practice coloring because he wouldn't do it in preschool. He had more fun with markers than crayons. She's not the only one who doesn't like coloring at 3.
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