Friday, December 7, 2012


Little Leah lost her first tooth! I know, she already has two other gaps...but those two came from teeth that were ruthlessly yanked from her mouth. This little tooth wiggled its way out all on its own. 

I was nervous she was going to swallow it. Or that she would lose it at school or someplace else and then she'd be sad. But I worried for nothing!

I was chatting with her after school yesterday and honestly a half hour into the discussion, I noticed the tooth was gone! I probably looked like a crazy person, but I cheered so loud and danced around the room. Leah was so happy and proud - and probably relieved that I finally noticed her cute little gap. 

After we chatted, I read the daily notebook that goes back and forth between her teachers and home and they said she lost it during music time and it was in a little treasure box in her lunch bag. Sure enough, a tiny little tooth {seriously, tiny...she ground it down to nearly nothing!} in a cute little green plastic treasure box. 

The tooth fairy came and all is well. Now all Leah wants for Christmas is her THREE front teeth!

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