write it down
some of you may know i've always had a little dream of being a "writer." i've always liked to write. i don't think i'm the most boring person on the planet, but sometimes it's hard to know what to write about.
i don't want to write novels or essays or anything of the sort. i'm more interested in every day life. you know, those magazine articles you read that cause a smile to creep right on you face without you even realizing it. you know exactly what the writer is saying, but they're packaging it up in beautiful paper with an incredible bow on top in a way you had never thought of before {since you usually just shove things into a box and secure it with a piece of Scotch tape}. the presentation is refreshing. i've always wanted to write like that.
and, i made a secret writing bog.
yes, it's private. no, you are not invited. ryan's not even invited. or my mom. and they're both upset about it.
and now i need some more motivation.
so, i figured i'd take a stab at an idea i found on my friend cheryl's blog {she found it on her friend natalie's blog...and strangely enough, i think i graduated from the pr program at byu with natalie???}.
it's a topic-a-day for 30 days and i'm going to give it a try. i'm not promising anything incredible here. i'm just exploring a new venue to stir my creative juices and i'm going to wrap it up in a little package i like to call april. 30 posts for each day {i just counted my knuckles again to make sure april had 30 days}. and maybe, just maybe, someone will find a post tied with a pretty little ribbon and a small smile spread across their face.
i bet you can't wait, huh?