when grandma comes to town
my mom came to visit! yay!
i haven't seen her since last june, so this trip was overdue. she also hadn't seen leah since then...and leah has changed a lot.
she had no agenda and was adamant about seeing us in our daily routine. she wanted to know how we live day to day...she wanted to see happy leah and not-so-happy leah. she wanted to see well-rested leah and very-mean-and-tired leah.
i haven't seen her since last june, so this trip was overdue. she also hadn't seen leah since then...and leah has changed a lot.
she did.

she helped me finish {ahem, i said FINISH} leah's quilt. yah, that same quilt i've been working on for more than a year now. DONE. she taught me how to crochet little flowers. the woman's talents are endless.
she created a pattern for my next big project.
we ate scones. no pictures. they were too good to stop eating just to document.
we had dance parties.
we read lots of books...including leah's new favorite that grandma made for her.
leah showed her how cute she is after a bath.
she filled my napkin holder. stealing napkins from restaurants is a disease. she just can't help it.
my sink was empty and clean the entire time she was here. it doesn't look like that right now.
she got ryan and i hooked to vanilla yogurt with fruit and homemade granola. mmm...i'm going to eat some as soon as i click "publish post."
and she's gone now. she enjoyed the 70 degree weather and extra vitamin d while she was here. it's snowing at home. she'll be back. oh, she'll be back.
and this is how we feel about her being gone.
oh leah beah don't be sad. you'll see grandshmoj again. looks like you had a blast. can you just send me some scone dough since i don't know how to make it.. but i sure love to eat it? i mean since you aren't willing to share your dang mentos... snob:)
How fun! I am so glad that she was able to come for a visit! It looks like you all had a wonderful time!
I love you, too.
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