say cheese!
we laytons had our first full-family pictures in seven years taken last month. it's hard to believe we hadn't documented the cutest new addition to the group. 

that would be leah.
thanks to claire from claire elise photography for not only being my step-sister, but for taking some great pictures!!
please feel free to comment on my steal-of-a-deal boots. found them on clearance at, you guessed it: target.
fantastic pics! but i have to say i noticed the boots first!
Beautiful! You are seriously the best dressed person I know. When I'm shopping, I should just ask myself, would Maren wear this? :) Love the pictures.
Beautiful pictures and adorable family! You are so fashion forward...I just saw in a magazine that the fall "trend" of the season is to pair cowboy boots with dresses...looks great on you!
such great pictures and YES I LOVE YOUR BOOTS. I will be checking my this afternoon to see if I can find some, they look great on you.
I'll comment on those boots! They're even cuter when they're clearance!!!! Love them. And I LOVE and MISS Target. I really did have a part of my dream the other night revolve around Target coming up to Canada. There were announcement billboards everywhere. HA! What a dream. Seriously, so cool. Anway, cute boots! The pictures are cute too I guess... :)
okay so let's be honest, i too, noticed the boots first. love them. you are adorable. love these pictures. claire did great. you guys look great.
cute pictures! i just love the colors you chose to wear. Your family is very photogenic. You always have such cute pics.
love love love the photos! I somehow missed this post, but after reading your most recent post and comments, I didn't understand all the "boots" references. Now I get it. They are pretty fabulous.
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