wheeler farm
the day ryan left to come back home from utah, we decided to go on a little family outing to wheeler farm! it had been years since either of us had been there and we laughed because neither of us had any idea where it was. i think locations from events in my childhood are just somewhere in a big black hole in the salt lake valley. i know they're there somewhere...just not sure where.
but, we found it and had a great time introducing the bean to all the horses, pigs, cows, rabbits, fowl and more. she was almost abducted by a few different flocks, but we made it through unscathed.leah dictated when we would stop and take a rest...
but, even with rests, we tuckered her right out...
our attempt at a timed family photo. ryan and i were looking at the camera, smiling, saying through tight lips "leah! look at the camera! leah! leah!" then right as the camera clicked, she leaned over and gave me a kiss. i'll take it.
august 24, 2010
So you probably said when you first blogged about it, but where did you get Leah's arm brace thingy? I have a sister whose little boy is needing something like that.
you just measure the length that you need and the circumference of the child's arm...i think there are three options.
I think a kiss on a cheek is better than smiling at the camera:) Your summer vacation looks fun!
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