Monday, December 3, 2012

November in an instant

As I type the title for this post, I realized that November truly did pass by in an instant. I cannot believe it's December! November was good to us. 

Weather was mild {albeit bleak without snow}.
Doctors appointments were attended. 
Craft fair preparations were had. 
Parent teacher conferences were held. 
Visitors visited. 
Craft fair preparations were had. 
Hockey games were played. 
Birthdays were celebrated. 
Craft fair preparations were had. 
Our civic duties were fulfilled. 
Sports games were watched. 
Craft fair preparations were had. 
A thanksgiving meal was prepared {and eaten}. 
A job offer was accepted. 
Craft fair preparations were had. 
Babies became more mobile. 
Seizure meds were tweaked. 
Craft fair preparations were had. 
Halls were decked.

Yes, it really did go like that. And I loved almost every minute of it. 

We're currently doing our best to read the minds of both of our little girls to figure out what they might want for Christmas. We'll let you know how that goes. 

Posts on Thanksgiving and the craft fair are still to come, but for now...November in an instant. 


1 comment:

Laura said...

Congratulations on the job offer! Always a relief during the second year of business school to get that offer. So happy for you!