Friday, August 10, 2012

getting soaked and other downtown adventures

Today we headed to downtown Salt Lake City with my mom and Kelli to check out what all the fuss was about the new City Creek Center. We parked our car in the underground lot and only had to walk a few feet to the fountains to see that it really is all it's cracked up to be. 

Kenzie and Edward literally soaked themselves. So much so that Kelli had to venture into the Gymboree located brilliantly by the fountains to buy them each a new outfit. If you ask me, it was totally worth it. 

I had actually packed an extra set of clothes for Leah just in case, but being the very mature five year old that she is, she was a little more toned down with her excitement, opting to get mildly splashed on rather than soaked while still having the time of her life. 

The two littles stayed completely dry in the double stroller Kelli brought along {and saved my day since I forgot the bjorn for Kate}. 

After we dried ourselves off, we headed across the street to temple square to see the Christus, the temple and the fountains and flowers. We then trekked back across the street and through the entire City Creek center to grab some frozen yogurt courtesy of grandma. She's the best. 

Could not love these crazies more.

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