Sunday, August 12, 2012

olympic fever

I love the olympics. Especially the summer olympics. And I totally caught the fever this year and wanted to make sure we made it memorable - as we were actually at the last summer Olympics. That's hard to beat. But between the fabulous five, Misty and Kerri almost everyone in the swimming competitions, it wasn't hard.

Other than watching the events every day and every night, we organized an opening ceremonies party and we ate bangers and mash, fish and chips, trifle and turkish delight. Oh, and we made Queen Elizabeth face masks.

We made Olympic t-shirts with our friends. I didn't get any action shots of the shirts actually being decorated, but here are our finished products. I kind of love them.

And finally we held some Olympic events with my sister and her kids in Utah. Again, I somehow didn't get any pictures of us competing in the events, but rest assured there was swimming, running, balance beam, rings, coloring, sitting, rolling, sleeping and more involved. And you should have seen Kelli's balance beam routine. Truly impressive. 

Here is Declan with a clear win over Kate in the sitting competition. And also in the weight competition.

We must have done well because we all won gold!

And, in no particular order, my top 2012 Olympic moments:

2) Watching the lane judges in the swimming competitions {wearing slacks/skirts/nylons/dress shoes/etc.} get completely drenched. 

3) Getting to see my #2 broadcast crush, Brian Williams, every night. Tom Brokaw still gets the gold in that competition.

4) Seeing Missy Franklin more excited about her personal tweet from Justin Bieber than she was about her gold medals. 

5) Watching the commercial about the athletes not eating dessert or watching TV in a year - while I was eating dessert and watching TV. 

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