Tuesday, August 28, 2012

root brew buddies

Our trip to UT would not have been complete without a game night at the Harman's house. We had game nights with them probably twice a month in CA. Complete with root brew taste testing, loads of sugar for linds, all the kids sleeping in adjacent rooms and some games that led to near separations. Our usual games are Canasta, Settlers of Cattan and Scattergories {much to Ed's dismay}.

We planned one night of games with them and after we realized just how much we missed it this past year, we went back for another {and Linds purchased lots of  new candy for the second night as well}. 

We laughed well into the night. And the boys won their first game of Canasta ever. It was definitely a night {or two} to remember.  Next round is in New Hampshire, right?



Kim said...

I must meet this couple! Games and an abundance of candy? She sounds like my soul mate.

Kim said...

Games and an abundance of candy? I must meet this girl--she sounds like my soul mate!