Friday, August 31, 2012

grandma and grandpa hauley

During our three week stay, we spent most of our time at Grandma and Grandpa Hauley's house. My mom took some time off work the first week so we could all play. And Richard is now retired, so his schedule is a little more flexible. They are two of the busiest people I know but they both made sure to spend a lot of time with Kate and Leah. Richard especially took a liking to Leah and it was fun to see them play together. 

Their backyard is a haven and we spent a lot of time running, swinging, bouncing, playing and sitting on the beautiful Utah grass. We ate fresh peaches from their trees, played the piano together, cooked dinners together and hit up KFC's senior night. And more than once, I woke to my mom playing with Leah and/or Kate or Richard in the office with Leah perched on his knee so I could get a few minutes of extra sleep. We also got to see all of the cousins!!

Here is our stay at Hotel Hauley in pictures. 

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