Thursday, December 16, 2010

recital #7

i can't believe it was already time for another layton piano studio recital! it was my seventh, which is so hard to believe. i so enjoy watching these students learn and grow and really find their niche within the world of piano. 

it wouldn't be a true recital without having at least one mishap. this time, it was some forgotten sheet music. luckily, his dad drove home and my student still got to play while we all enjoyed dessert. 

we were only missing one student this year - and we lost her to her first-ever school dance, so i'll let it slide. 
these kids just eat leah alive and she eats it up! i love the way they interact with her and make her feel like she is also part of the show.

i'm completely and utterly spoiled with gifts and kind words at these performances. and i got to play sleigh ride for the second year in a row as a teacher, which is such a fun tradition for me. i actually enjoyed playing so much that i'm considering learning and performing something all new for my spring recital. maybe. any suggestions? 

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