Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tuck Investiture 2013

"In the conduct of the school to which you have 
done my father's memory the honor of attaching his name, 
I trust that certain elementary but vital principles, 
on which he greatly dwelt in his advice to young men,
 whether entering upon a professional or business career, 
may not be lost sight of in the variety of technical subjects 
of which the regular curriculum is composed. 

"Briefly, these principles or maxims are these: 
absolute devotion to the career which one selects,
 and to the interests of one's superior officers or employers; 
the desire and determination to do more 
rather than less than one's required duties; 
perfect accuracy and promptness in all undertakings, 
and absence from one's vocabulary of the word "forget"; 
never to vary a hair's breadth from the truth 
nor from the path of strictest honesty and honor, 
with perfect confidence in the wisdom of doing right 
as a surest means of achieving success. 

"To the maxim that honesty is the best policy
 should be added another: 
that altruism is the highest and best form or egoism, 
as a principle of conduct to be followed by those who strive 
for success and happiness in public or business relations 
as well as in those of private life." 

-From a Letter by Mr. Edward Tuck 
to President William Jewett Tucker, 
October 12, 1904

My heart fills to overflowing when I think about how wonderful Saturday, June 8, 2013 was. A perfect day to celebrate Ryan, his classmates and their families. To acknowledge the hard work put in by each and every one of these students. To honor the support they received from their husbands, wives, significant others and children. To cheer and clap as students' names were called and masters hoods were placed on their shoulders. Students who were just a name to us a short two years ago and whom we now call friends. There were a few tears, but today was mostly about smiles. Lots and lots of smiles. 

Congratulations to the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Class of 2013. 

You earned it.
 Mike, Brent, Ryan, Jesse, Snow - LDS Tuckies

 Proud parents.

 Tiffany, Michelle, Maren, Andrea - LDS Tuckie wives
 Jen, Maren, Lorissa, Liz, Hannah, Carreau, Tiffany, Lauren, Michelle - 
some of my favorite ladies