Friday, November 27, 2009

gratitude: day 27

today i am grateful for my body.

i think our physical bodies are an amazing thing. i've realized that even more as i've watched leah's body not work exactly as i had hoped it might.

muscles. bones. blood. organs. nerves. everything has to work together in order to move our bodies. it's so incredible to me.

my body lets me run. i feel so good when i run.

my body lets me play the piano. i love playing the piano.

my body lets me eat. i really love eating.

my body lets me sleep. mmm...sleeping is nice.

my body lets me learn. learning is so much fun.

my body lets me play, rest, jump, spin, dance, twirl, sit, stand, bend, stretch.

my body lets me see, hear, taste, touch, smell.

my body is a gift. i'm trying to take good care of it.

i'm thankful for my body.


Natalie said...

This is something I don't go a single day without giving thanks for... It is truly amazing how our bodies move and work.

Molly said...

Amen. Whoever invented bodies was a genius. ;)

chrisbrems said...

So I'm giving a talk today in Sacrament meeting and one of the items I am saying I'm grateful for is my body. This really nails it on the point. I hope you don't mind if I quote you today. :)